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The 1st China International Forum on Procurement and Service of Crop Protection Products

責(zé)任編輯:本站編輯 來源: 日期:2009-04-01

HSE in Purchasing of (Agro)Chemicals from China
Notker Bien, Asian Sourcing Manager, Syngenta Singapore

How to Enter High-End Agrochemical Markets?
Cai Qizhi, Taiwan Plant Protection Industry Association
Recent Changes In The Global Agrochemical and Adjuvants Markets
Allen K.Underwood, Global Business Development and International Marketing for Helena Chemical Company

Social and Economic Consequences of Recent Trends in Intellectual Property Protection and Registration Systems

Roman Macaya, Latin American Association of National Agrochemical Industries(ALINA)

Status and Prospect of Chinese Pesticide Market
Wang Xinglin, Shenzhen Nopsin Agrochemicals Manufacturing Co.,Ltd

Management in China Pesticides Market
Li Guangren, Harbin Fuzun AgriculturalServices Co.,Ltd, Heilongjiang

Present Situtation & Future Trend of Packaging for Liquid Agrochemicals
Li QingTai, Quality Assurance Department, Jiangsu Rotem Boxmore Packaging Co., Ltd

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